Ledon MiniPlay Alfred

Ledon MiniPlay Alfred
Themed Play
Ledon MiniPlay

Space for stories and secrets During days packed with new impressions, it is nice for children to have a place for quiet reflection, for looking at a storybook or exchanging secrets with their best friend. Alfred the Hut is an obvious bolthole. Inside, the hut is designed with two benches and a table, and with all the movable butterflies, bees and flowers, the hut encourages even the youngest children to interact and play with one another, practising their first words, negotiating their first conflicts and making their first friends – and learning the basics of social interaction. Alfred has been developed in collaboration with children and childcare professionals Like the rest of the MiniPlay family, Alfred the Hut has been developed in collaboration with children and childcare professionals. Many children need a place for quiet reflection and where they can step back from everything that is going on around them. This is what gave us the idea for Alfred. With all the holes and the window on one side, it’s possible to look out, yet at the same time feel safe in your own den. Alfred also has a roof window, so that the grown-ups can check on the children without disturbing their play – a feature that was high on the wish list of childcare professionals.

90% assembled on delivery

We deliver the play equipment almost fully assembled for quick and easy installation and preparation.

Security and sense of calm

Children love hiding places that make them feel secure and offer quiet moments to talk and share secrets. Also, children from many different age groups use hiding places as part of their play.


Children love role-play. It improves their understanding of themselves and their surroundings, because by imitating the world around them, they learn more about patterns of behaviour, social interaction and handling emotions.

Non-toxic and recy­clable poly­ethy­lene

The polyethylene boards are 100% recyclable, and contain no hazardous chemicals. They are approved according to the specific requirements of both the EU Toy Safety Directive EN 71 and the US Food Directive.

A healthy imagination results in better problem-solving

Every function and detail on the play equipment trigger the children’s creativity when playing. Imaginative and creative play is good for children as it strengthens their ability to be flexible and creative in their problem-solving.

So­cial and lan­guage skills

The play equipment offers ample opportunities for children to engage in cooperative play. It grows their social and language skills, which is key to developing relationships and friendships.

Develops fine motor skills

The many moving parts support the development of children’s fine motor skills. Through the stimulation of their fine motor skills, children learn to make small precise movements which, among other things, make it easier for them to hold and control a pencil.

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