Inclusive Wheelchair Swings For All

The Fun of an Inclusive Accessible Swing

Our Wheelchair Accessible Swings are available in a variety of configurations to suit individual requirements. they offer physical & social-emotional experiences and developmentally encourage cooperation, empathy, negotiation and listening. We offer a range of inclusive swings in both Timber and Steel. Our Robinia inclusive playground swings offer a great option for a more natural setting and our steel range can give your playground a pop of colour.

Children love the thrill of an inclusive wheelchair accessible roundabout. It affords them the chance to spin which is exhilarating whilst being in a safe environment. They encourage children of all ages and abilities to play together too. Our wheelchair roundabouts also come in many different styles and sizes and materials meaning they will fit seamlessly into any existing outdoor space.

Wide Range of Swinging Possibilities

Wheelchair swings are a great piece of play equipment to choose as there are so many different options available. Our wheelchair swings offer play for everyone as they are inclusive in design offering play for both able bodied and wheelchair users. Our swinging and gliding unit is innovative and allows up to 10 users the opportunity to social, swing and balance together. Wheelchair users can sit with their friends whilst they enjoy the motion together creating a truly inclusive play experience. The Accessible Saturn Wheelchair Swing will allow a wheelchair user to experience all the benefits of swinging.

Why choose an Inclusive Wheelchair Swing for your Playground

Swinging isn't just a great piece of play equipment that's fun. They also help to develop many other skills such as gross motor skills and fine motor skills. Swings can help with hand and finger coordination and with the development of core muscles. Children with special needs can still benefit from many physical benefits as they are engaging their muscles as the swing propels them backwards and forwards. As well as all these physical benefits swinging also is very calming and can help to provide stress relief too. The motion can help to calm anxious children helping them to regulate their emotions.

The Correct Surface for your Swing

When looking at a swing it's important to consider the location and also what type of safety surface you will need. We offer a wide range of safety surfaces. We can also offer design for your playground too creating a fun area that will add further play value.


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