Ledon Basic Bjork Play System with 1 Tower

Ledon Basic Bjork Play System with 1 Tower
Ledon Basic
Play Structures

Fun and challenges with sliding poles and a climbing wall The Bjork play tower is one play towers in the Basic series, where the play value is increased by having two play zones which are suitable for both older and younger children. The older will be challenged by the height of 190 cm as well as the climbing wall and sliding poles, while a play panel at the bottom of the tower invites the younger children to role plays. Do you want a simpler tower with less height and a slide instead? Then have a look at our LB110 Basil model. A trip down the sliding poles is achieved via the tall climbing wall, which is designed with holes and climbing stones. Besides being a fun element on the play tower, the climbing wall also improves the children’s gross motor skills and develops their brain. Cross-body movements with the arms and legs strengthen the neural activity between the two sides of the brain, and this interaction is used when learning to read and write. When the floor of the tower is reached, the trip down the slide can be enjoyed at full speed. If you are one of the really cool children, the sliding poles can also be used as a way to access the floor of the tower.

Non-toxic and recy­clable poly­ethy­lene

The polyethylene boards are 100% recyclable, and contain no hazardous chemicals. They are approved according to the specific requirements of both the EU Toy Safety Directive EN 71 and the US Food Directive.

Gal­va­nised posts

Our posts are hot-dip galvanised, and therefore require very little maintenance and are protected against rust.

Space-optimised play equipment

The play equipment is designed with minimal space requirements, and therefore fits easily into most playgrounds. If the play equipment requires a safety surface, the price for this will consequently be lower.

Trains balance and coordi­na­tion

Children use their whole body to keep their balance and coordinate their movements on the play equipment. Balance and coordination are fundamental to children’s physical and cognitive development, and it is therefore important that they are stimulated from an early age.

Both sides of the brain work together

Making cross-lateral movements with your arms and legs strengthens coordination between the right and left sides of the brain. This is important for children when starting to learn to read and write.

No burnt fingers on sunny days

The slides are made of polyethylene, which is heat-resistant and therefore does not get too hot to touch in the sunshine.

Streng­thens gross motor skills

Children use their major muscle groups and strengthen their gross motor skills when playing on the play equipment. Gross motor skills are vital for both their basic motor development as well as their fine motor skills.

Taifun rope with vandalism protection

Taifun rope is vandalism-proof and highly resistant to wear, as it has a core of 48 strong steel wires. The core also gives the rope a tensile strength of 4,500 kg.

So­cial and lan­guage skills

The play equipment offers ample opportunities for children to engage in cooperative play. It grows their social and language skills, which is key to developing relationships and friendships.

Play zones for several age groups

With multiple play zones, the play equipment accommodates different play activities and a wide age group while also allowing several children to play at the same time without disturbing each other.

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Non-Toxic Polyethylene
Galvanised Steel
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