Harmony Flowers (set of 6)

Harmony Flowers (set of 6)
Musical Instruments

This bouquet of six cheerful and eye-catching musical flowers (C5-A5) is available individually or in two 'posy' arrangements (Major Posy and Minor Posy) each with three flowers. With their bright, fresh colors, these sweet musical flowers cannot help but give everyone that spring feeling. Each Flower is made with a stainless-steel frame, with powder-coated aluminum flower petals and bells. The ‘bells’ sing when struck with the attached moss green vandal-resistant mallet. These eye-catching cheerful playground additions will stand out in a park, playground, or public garden and make an ideal choice for smaller budding musicians. Product Highlights Visually stimulating and playful Suitable for Inclusive Playgrounds Colorful design, easy fixing, and great sound Engaging sensory resources Suitable for ADA Accessible Projects/Parks Pollen-free Available options: Harmony Flower C5 Harmony Flower E5 Harmony Flower G5 Harmony Flowers Major Posy Harmony Flowers Minor Posy Harmony Flower D5 Harmony Flower F5 Harmony Flower A5

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