Babel Drums Small

Babel Drums Small
Musical Instruments

With six beautiful notes, this is our smallest and most compact stainless steel tongue drum. It’s straightforward to play, requiring only your hands to create various tones. The Small Babel Drum is tuned to a C major pentatonic scale, producing a pure tone that is warm and has plenty of clarity to it. Securely mounted onto a frame, these beautiful drums are designed for permanent outdoor installation. Babel drums should be played with the hands, preferably by striking with the fingers. However, in some locations, such as elderly care homes or special needs environments, where players may suffer from a weak or painful grip / or have limited dexterity, they may find it more challenging to produce a clear sound with just their fingers. In these cases, Babel/Petal Drum Mallets can be purchased separately. Perfect for use for music therapy and relaxation. Product Highlights Suitable for heavy-use environments Sensory Rich - perfect for inclusive playgrounds and sensory gardens Pentatonic Tuning - No Wrong Notes! Disabled Access / ADA Accessible Suitable for Inclusive Playgrounds

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