School Playground for Oasis Academy

Initial Contact

The school contacted Morti Sport & Play as they wanted to create a new area for children to enjoy that focused on fitness and providing children with a physical challenge within their playground. There was also a requirement for the material to be not only natural looking but robust and hardwearing too.

Choice of Children's Outdoor Gym Playground Equipment

Our range of outdoor gym equipment made of Robinia fitted the bill perfectly. This outdoor fitness equipment has a wide range of options focusing on various types of exercise including cardio and strength. We worked with the client to select the pieces that they felt would work best for the school and they chose 2 x Robinia Airwalkers, Robinia Leg Raise, Robina Steps, Robina Twist and Robinia Push Up Bars, and Robinia Parallel Bars. This selection worked really well in the playground as it allowed many children to use the equipment at the same time which meant that not only could they be active but they could also socialise and work together too.

Trim Trail for a School Playground

The school also needed a trim trail for their playground. After discussing their requirements we suggested our Robinia Agility Trail. This fantastic trim trail offers a range of activities including climbing, crawling, swinging and balancing. It is a large unit which enables up to 49 users to enjoy at once so encourages children to work together to navigate the trim trail getting across the rope bridge and stepping stones. It provides a real challenge that will keep children occupied whilst stimulating their senses and encouraging them to think.

Shade Sails

The final item on the schools wish list was a Shade Sail. We have a large range of Shade Sails and found one which suited the scheme perfectly. These are not only beautiful to look at but also have health benefits as they can help to protect children from the suns rays. It also means that the playground is able to be used even when the weather isn't ideal too which makes for happier children as they are able to get outside and play which is essential to their mental and physical wellbeing.


Once we had the full brief from the client our playground designers created them a design showing them all of their equipment within a plan so they could really visualise their playground and see how it would come to life. We then worked with them to create a layout they were happy with and that worked within their playground.


The brief was to make the area feel really natural so we installed the Robinia Agility Trail onto artificial grass with rubber shock pad rubber base for the correct critical fall height. We take pride in all our installations and we always comply with the required safety standards including EN1176 and EN1177.

Children's Outdoor Gym and Agility Trail for your Playground

If you like the look of these products and would like something similar for your school please get in touch.


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Products we used in this Playground installation

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