Playground equipment - How to plan your new school playground

Why settle for boring play areas when they can be transformed by quality playground equipment systems from Morti Sport & Play?

Playground equipment – How to plan your new school playground

Planning a new school playground involves several steps to ensure it is safe, engaging, and meets the needs of the students. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you plan your school playground:

1. Assess Needs and Objectives

  • Understand the Age Group: Determine the age range of the children who will use the playground. Equipment for younger children will differ significantly from that for older children.
  • Identify Key Objectives: Decide what you want to achieve with the playground. This could include promoting physical activity, encouraging social interaction, or providing sensory experiences.

2. Form a Planning Committee

  • Involve Stakeholders: Include teachers, parents, students, and administrators in the planning process to gather diverse perspectives.
  • Assign Roles: Delegate tasks such as research, budgeting, and liaising with contractors.

3. Set a Budget

  • Determine Funding Sources: Look for funding options such as school budgets, grants, PTA contributions, and community fundraising.
  • Allocate Funds: Consider costs for equipment, installation, surfacing, landscaping, and maintenance.

4. Choose a Location

  • Safety and Accessibility: Ensure the playground is easily accessible and visible from school buildings. Avoid areas near traffic or hazards.
  • Space Requirements: Measure the area to ensure there is adequate space for the equipment and for children to play safely.

5. Design the Playground

Select Equipment: When planning your playground, there are different elements of play to consider. Playgrounds are there to help the development of a child’s emotional, physical, social and cognitive development. By incorporating these elements, you can give your playground a better chance of catering to these needs.

  • Choose a variety of equipment to cater to different age groups abilities and interests. Common items include swings, slides, climbing structures, and interactive panels.

While great fun for little ones, this will also help with balance, teaching a little one about their body, where it is in space and allow them to practice both fine (grabbing chains) and gross (kicking legs) motor skills.


As well as both fine and gross motor skills, spinning can also help with core strength, enhancing body awareness too.


This can help build muscle strength and endurance as well as encourage imaginary play and socialisation.


Climbing will help both fine and gross motor skills as well as strength, spatial awareness, directional awareness and even sharpening of their visual perception.


Otherwise known as swinging from arm to arm, this can help the brain work both sides, once again developing both fine and gross motor skills as well as coordination.

Sensory From music to sand,     sensory play can be enjoyed through sight, sound, touch and more. Sensory play helps develop neural connections and support through learning and creativity.

  • Accessibility: Ensure the playground is Equality Act-compliant, with ramps and equipment that can be used by children of all abilities creating a truly inclusive space.
  • Incorporate Safety Features: Follow safety standards and confirm that equipment manufactured conforms to EN1176. Include shock-absorbing surfaces like well maintained grass, rubber mulch or mats and confirm that these safety surfaces conform to EN1177 and RoSPA guidelines.

6. Consider Landscaping

  • Shade and Seating: Add benches, tables, and shaded areas for comfort and quiet spaces for calm.
  • Aesthetic Elements: Use landscaping to create an inviting atmosphere, with plants, trees, and pathways. Always ask yourselves how these landscaping elements enable children, parents and carers to play and interact and access all the equipment together with as few barriers to interaction as possible. Smart landscaping can create safe zones for children to interact, feel safe and encourage mobility.

7. Choosing the right playground equipment company

  • Research Companies: Look for reputable playground equipment suppliers with good equipment selections and those who place a strong emphasis on safety.
  • Request quotations: Obtain detailed quotations, including equipment layouts, product information, and timelines.
  • Evaluate and Choose: Compare proposals based on quality, cost, and company ethos.
  • Professional Installation: The right company will offer professional installation as part of their service to ensure the equipment is properly and safely installed.
  • Inspection: After installation, conduct a thorough inspection to ensure everything is up to code and safe for use. Make sure to employ either an rpii or RoSPA-certified inspector.

9. Maintenance Plan

  • Regular Inspections: Schedule regular inspections and maintenance to keep the playground safe and in good condition.
  • Repair and Replacement: Plan for eventual repairs and replacements of equipment and surfacing.

10. Engage the school’s Community

  • Grand Opening: Plan a grand opening event to celebrate the new playground and involve the school community.
  • Feedback Loop: Establish a way to gather ongoing feedback from students, parents, and teachers to make future improvements.


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