Inclusive play equipment products are wide and varied and are designed to be enjoyed by all. The equipment is designed specifically with access in mind. Good design of the areas in which this kit sits is also just as important. Access on and off the equipment with link paths allows use in all weathers for all users regardless of their individual needs. For example a pathway benefits an able-bodied child, a parent/carer pushing a pram as well as a disabled child/adult using a wheelchair. Pathways are stable and sound underfoot and can complement and add value to play areas through the use of colour and shape.
Many differing materials can be used where pathways are linked to individual safety zones for the apparatus. Wet pour rubber offers a fine smooth surface which lends itself to varied colours and intricate graphics whilst offering great fall absorption and length of life. Rubber mulch has a more rustic appearance, whilst larger strips of rubber offer a natural feel with great grip, working well over mounds, within woodland spaces and areas that are replicating a more softer natural feel.
Huge potential play value is available for schools & councils who have children with special educational needs.
Morti Sport & Play are often asked what types of equipment are available, we look at the options available to schools and councils with children/adults with learning difficulties who have special educational needs. The options are wide and varied and can be tailored to individual needs. Below we have detailed some of our most popular pieces of kit to show how the less able can play, together with those more able bodied, in one inclusive space.
The Importance and demand for inclusive play
Inclusive equipment is very important allowing children of all ages to experience playing together without segregation. Our designs place great emphasis on play being centred around mixing exciting pieces of equipment that challenge all, regardless of ability.
Demand for inclusive play is increasing across the country. Within schools it is potentially easier to quantify the need as pupil needs are assessed. However, how can you find out the need within a public space? Most councils seek demand within their parks through public consultation events, assessing the requirements for an individual park’s requirements. A park, for example, may have schools, care homes and assisted living facilities close by.
To discuss your requirements further contact us to arrange a no obligation site meeting where we can discuss all your options and come up with a great design for your new play area. You might be looking to add inclusive equipment to an existing space or adapting existing equipment. Please feel free to call us to discuss your options.
Learn more about Inclusive play and how it can change the lives of thousands of children.
Case study - Park Lane School, Aberdare
To design an active play area for children with a range of special needs who are either very physical and able bodied to those physically-minded but less able bodied. The equipment must look like that found in a public space so that the children can clearly identify with the apparatus when away from school. The activities required are predominately to include dynamic motions such as rotating, jumping and swinging. The equipment must be accessible for those less able and adapted if necessary to meet their needs.
We asked the head teacher of Park Lane School, Marie-Claire Hopkin, to explain her ideas behind the current new play area and the types of children who will be using the space with their varied abilities and why the equipment chosen suits their needs.
“The focus for our new school playground is to provide our older children who have additional learning needs opportunities for play, to enable them to develop their skills according to their needs. A number of the children have physical or sensory processing difficulties, and it is important to be able to give them opportunities to develop their fine and gross motor skills, as well as for self-regulation in their sensory processing skills. By including equipment that provides children with a range of motion and physical development opportunities, we aim to support our children in their needs, as well as making sure they have fun in their learning.”
- Park Lane School, Aberdare